Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 1-Cotswold Way

DSC_0820, originally uploaded by cmlamber.

DSC_0845, originally uploaded by cmlamber.

DSC_0847, originally uploaded by cmlamber.

Our first day hiking started less than promisingly as it was a rainy day. But England is rainy and several people told us we had a nice, short walk, so we were still pretty excited. B started out with the right attitude smelling flowers and whatnot (top). (We got a late start, since we spent quite a bit of time walking around Wotton). After an initial climb up to a clearing overlooking Wotton, we went through some nice forest areas with lots of wild flowers (above).

Much to B's annoyance, we made a few wrong turns, adding to the journey. (Turns out the way is labeled well in some places and in others the many public paths get a little confusing). Below is a clearing after the second detour. Things were still going pretty well though.

DSC_0879, originally uploaded by cmlamber.

DSC_0907, originally uploaded by cmlamber.

DSC_0914, originally uploaded by cmlamber.

There is a big gap in pictures here, as with a little confusion in one town and more rain, B was really beginning to dislike hiking and our short walk was getting a little longer than we preferred. We took a short cut towards the end on the roads as a compromise and the picture below is from the final stretch!

DSC_0916, originally uploaded by cmlamber.

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